Saturday, June 16, 2012

Organized Pans...finally

Ok, so I have tried several ways to organize my pots and pans.  I have hung them from the pot rack....that didn't work so well 'cuz I am too short; if I hung them at my height, everyone else would hit their heads.  I stacked them in the cupboard.  Nope, because, invariably the one I needed was on the bottom.  Then I tried to use those plate rack things...nada.

Finally, I stumble onto.  Mostly due to Pintrest.  I love Pintrest.  I try not to spend too much time there, but, well, I love Pintrest.  Anyway, here is the solution I came up with.  Hope you enjoy too.

Super easy, cheap, and best of all, IT WORKS!  Use hooks, inside a cupboard to hang those pots and pans!  You can also use a towel bar attached to the wall to hold the lids, or one of those stacky plate rack things too.  I love this!

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